Body Fat Measurement

The addition of hand grips to the health kiosk allows users to get a comprehensive understanding of their body composition to help them reach your fitness goals.  The body fat analyzer allows users to monitor their progress in losing body fat, while maintaining muscle.

The professional Body Fat Analysers provides weight, height and a complete body composition analysis in less than 30 seconds. It also prints out a complete body composition profile in seconds: including Weight, Body Fat Percentage, Body Fat Mass, Body Mass Index (BMI), Fat Free Mass, Estimated Muscle Mass, Total Body Water and Basal Metabolic Rate.

Measuring weight alone is not a completely accurate assessment of health or fitness because it doesn't distinguish KG's that come from fat and KG's that come from lean muscle mass. Everyone needs some body fat, but too much fat results in obesity.

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  • Our health kiosks use the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis  (BIA) method to determine body fat. They use a hand-to-hand version of BIA which produces very accurate results that are highly correlated with both DEXA and hydrostatic weighing. Measurements are very repeatable when tests are performed under consistent conditions. There is no physical imposition to the user; no need for a trained technician to operate the equipment; and the entire procedure takes less than 30 seconds.


    Bioelectrical impedance analysis uses a very small electrical signal to measure body impedance. The signal is conducted through the water contained in the body. Lean muscle has much more water than fat tissue and allows the signal to pass easily. Fat causes impedance or resistance to the signal.